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I like it so far. But I do got confused at one point. When my character was talking with Ayanokoji in that place with no phone connection, they said something about changing or having changed. But they didn't know each other before entering the school. But it sounded like they've known each other before that. Did I just misunderstand or....?

You should replay the quest with Horikita if you want to understand it better

Would it be possible to make it downloadable on the app??

Next update will feature some more game-size optimizations.
If I'm able to reduce the game's size below 1GB, then yes. (That's's limit.)

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Wait but ive seen and download games over 1GB?

ah the note telling me to go to school...?? but how, after meeting Ichinose, back to the room, I found the note, but I don't know what else to do,

In the screen where you have your bed and chair click the button in bottom right corner.

How to proceed, after talking to Ichinose? or is it the last content? 

Yes it is currently... the last content...

No it's not.
- Click the sticky note on the wall where the laptop is.
- In the screen where you have your bed and chair click the button in bottom right corner.

good game! but some mechanics are not told i spent 15 minutes searching where the quests are placed at XD

and the characters images are good (especially horikita) but i think the ai makes it a bit worse? because the expressions are not natural and the expressions sometimes just blurs around the face

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Is harem avoidable? Also can you make the mc more handsome? Preferably with dark brown hair and blue eyes like Eric Roberts


Why no browser?

great game with great animation and art and also some cute mr. robot references.. excited for update!


hi can u create another link because is blocked in some countries . in my country , is available so plz

Didn't know Cote had a h game💀


Do anyone know how to proceed to the 2nd chapter?

Select chapter and click start after completing prologue

What i mean is when i tried to leave it says i have to select a quest but i cant find anything sorry im just confused

Click the sticky note on the wall

Is there any other way that we can level up the chess skill? Or skip it? Cause I know nothing about chess and it seems that the skill might be required at some point in the future? 

It won't be required and there will be an option to skip it.

realy not bad

i literally just re logged onto my account just to comment that this seems goated

Found this game a few days ago but didn't touch it until now and I must say, I love it. I love games like this where you are your own character in an anime setting and you flow along the story. I'll play it even without the r18 to be honest. I'll be waiting for the future update!

Joined the discord,can't wait for the next public update


I'm having a certain complication when I open the phone in the game, I don't know how to close the phone screen and I ended up having to restart. I don't know much about this type of ceiling play, and if there is any way it was staring me in the face this whole time and I just didn't see it. Otherwise, it's perfect

To close the phone you have to click outside of the phone screen


Hopefully next update will have more contents. Can't wait, huge potential imo. Keep up the great work! :D



This game looks awesome!! Can't wait for future updates, Keep up the great work! :)


Thank you so much ❤️


Cant wait for future update. Cause im actually liking this

I'm glad you liked it :)


Can someone help me please, I'm on android and when I install the mega link after I don't know what to do please help😭

Try this and let me know if it helps

sorry it's doesn't help, my problem is that when I've finish to install the game on mega, after I don't see her in any of my downloads on my phone, thanks to help me too😁


This game got huge potential i hope you will do the corrects choices in order to not waste the potential of this game it's look cool for now

Thank you, I'll do my best



This is by far the best and most immersive ecchi visual novel I've ever played amazing stuff excited for future updates!!!

Thanks a bunch! I'll release a new update soon :)

the best ive seen so far

You've made my day, thank you!


Huuuuge potential, great work so far.

I'm glad you liked it so far :)


logged into say, love the game so far, and I'm super excited for future updates!

Thank you so much!


Man i love this game

Many thanks!

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Had to log into mine ac just to say man i love you for making this (but please dont use the external downloading mostly when its mega cuz there download speed is shit)


Thank you. I'll try to upload the next update directly to

That whould be sweet of you thankkk


Well this is cool love Cote gonna play after substantial updates

Thank you for the kind words!